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And the 2022 Queer Twitch Streamer of the Year is Elix
Presented by Biqtch Puddin’, one of the stand out awards was for the Queer Twitch Streamer of the year. Six equally incredible and radically diverse nominees were up for the honor–Aimsey, Eret, Nihachu, Blizzb3AR, Elix and Luminumn. The award went to Elix who was livestreaming the awards show with her family eagerly watching along.
Revry Announces National Coming Out Day Programming
On National Coming Out Day, October 11, Revry’s annual QueerX Awards will stream exclusively honoring influential personalities who have impacted the LGBTQ+ community, musical performances, and more.
Celebrate National Coming Out Day By Tuning Into Revry’s QueerX Awards
Celebrate National Coming Out Day By Tuning Into Revry’s QueerX Awards with Kim Petras, Tammie Brown, Barry Brandon, Kevin Jz Prodigy, The Nextkidz, Biqtch Puddiń, The Dragon Sisters, DeAndre Upshaw, Andrew Duffer, comedians Ever Mainard and Roz Hernandez, and musical performances by Ninel Conde, Fedro, and Kid Kenn.